Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Election Fun

Hey all again,
We've sure been lax with this thing.
Oh well, so it goes.  
After a double header midterm this morning I (Ryan) am ready to do nothing.  Except write a post about our musings in the upcoming election.  For beginners, know that both Leah and I are flaming liberals, though I perhaps a bit more than her.  As far as the election goes, we've been talking about some of our most important issues - and they are...
The War in Iraq
Universal Health Care
Homosexual Rights
Aid for the Homeless and Poverty-stricken
Out of control Government Spending
Not Having another Republican President for a Very Long time.
So, all those being said - we are opposed to the war in Iraq, though Leah supports the troops more than I.  The war in Iraq tends to spill into other areas, most notably the out of control government spending.  What many people supporting our current president seem to forget is that our previous one, his sexual escapades aside:
- could actually speak off the cuff without pausing every few seconds
- left the economy with a surplus
- probably believed in God, but didn't use God to justify his own bullshit fantasies
So, stop complaining and worrying about heavy taxation under a democrat president - most people have no idea how much tax gets taken out, and the complaint really issues from the increasing cost of goods and services.  I think our current president has done just about the greatest job of any at spiking the costs of the goods and services that many need. So, heed the lesson, and don't vote republican.
Further, for all the ballast and crosshairs that have been leveled on  homosexual marriage - come off of it already.  The family is a myth, it has not been ordained by God, and sure it is important for all of us, but stop legislating what a family needs to look like.  Many on the right seem to think that there is some preponderance of traditional family structure in America - well, open your eyes or wise seers - the divorce rate hangs at about fifty percent - how's that for the upkeep of the traditional family structure?   The family isn't weakened by homosexual couples getting married - it is weakened by people sitting in front of the television instead of eating a meal together.  It is weakened by corporations and companies that would love to see you forget your family if it will mean that they make money.  So allow your fellow human beings some dignity and allow them to get married, even if you personally think it might be wrong.  The U.S. was never meant to be a theocracy.
As far as health care, let's go universal we say!  Yes, universal health care costs more in taxes, yes, if you want plastic surgery you have to wait ten months on a long line.  I think more taxation is ok, especially if it is benefitting others.  I think a good deal of the crime, violence, and hatred that goes on in certain neighborhoods has a lot to do with the deprivation of human rights - one of the biggest of which is health care, second only to healthy food (which often compounds the problem of healthcare).  I would rather pay a bit more in taxes, and know that maybe some people are exploiting the system to be able to also know that people's children, husbands, wives, grandparents, and friends aren't dying and being denied coverage because we have a healthcare system racked by the scourge of capitalism.  And for the bible-thumpers "love thy neighbor" - let them have some of that wonderful, juicy health-care goodness that you enjoy with your 50,000 dollar a year salary.  As for the long lines - don't listen to the naysayers, I know many people from both Canada and England and when it comes to a life-threatening or urgent situation, you do not have to wait on any longer line than you would in America.  Which is to act as though we have some well-oiled, smoothly moving healthcare system here, which we don't.  Last time that I had to go the Emergency Room, granted it was not life threatening, but I had to wait for about two hours.  So enough about the long lines.  As for better care?  Maybe, maybe not - if I have a broken arm, I would like it set and casted - I do not care how it is done.  One more thing, this also assumes that America has some sleek, state-of-the-art healthcare system, which outpaces all others, I think Sweden claims those titles - and don't look now, but...universal health care in Sweden!
So all of this said - vote for who you want, but if it is McCain, don't tell us about it.  Though neither of us are big fans of Hillary - I would much rather see her in office instead of good ol' John.  As CT always goes Democrat, Ryan will be voting Socialist Workers Party - to make his flaming left-wingedness all the more  apparent.  Leah will most likely go for the Democratic Candidate, who she and Ryan both hope goes to Mr. Obama.

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